Extended Shelf Life, Cost-Efficiency, & Sustainability; Learn About Light-Blocking Shrink Sleeves.

Certain products, such as dairy, CBD, nutraceutical, and some foods, will naturally have a high sensitivity to light. Extended exposure for these types of products could result in dilution or spoiling. 

In order to deliver a product that is fresh for your consumer, you’ll need a solution that limits light exposure to extend the shelf life of your product. 

In the past, teams have accomplished this mission by utilizing opaque containers.

This gets the job done, but there’s a huge cost with opaque containers: 

Compared to clear containers that do not use dyes, opaque plastic is a more expensive option, and it’s harder to recycle, making it a less sustainable choice. 

It creates a major conflict: should you choose a longer shelf life by going with an opaque container or should you choose cost-efficient and recyclable clear containers? 

Is there a way to get the best of both worlds? 


The Shrink Sleeve Solution: 

Did you know that shrink sleeves can implement a light-blocking film on the inside of their sleeves? 

This light-blocking coating has the capability to keep out >99% of all light. 

This means you can utilize a cost-efficient and sustainable clear container. By pairing it with a light-blocking shrink sleeve to extend shelf life, you can still deliver a premium and fresh product to your consumers. 

Nestle’s chocolate milk, a product sensitive to light exposure, can use an ideal clear container because they’re also utilizing a light-blocking shrink sleeve - you can see the black film printed on the inside of their sleeves. This layer keeps out light, thus keeping the product fresh. 

It’s the best of both worlds and an awesome solution for the dilemma many brands face.

Add Light-Blocking Sleeves To Your Product: 

Our packaging team would love to chat more about shrink sleeve solutions, including light-blocking options, and what they would look like on your product. 

Step 1. Schedule a packaging consultation with one of our packaging experts. We will walk you through the practical implications of a transition to light-blocking film, or any other packaging options that would be a good fit for your product.

Step 2. We’ll send you complimentary samples to test.

Step 3. We’ll provide you with a quote. 

Schedule your complimentary consultation by filling out our contact form, emailing us at info@tangopackaging.com, or calling (844) 33-TANGO [82646].


Labeling Your Canned Products: The Pros & Cons of Direct Printing vs. Shrink Sleeves


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