
WE OFFER Grid Material & Grayscale Printing FOR ANALOG PROOFS.

Most of our customers opt for 3D scanning and digital proofs, but we do offer analog alternatives for shrink sleeve testing.

Grid material testing:

  • We provide you with sample shrink sleeves that are printed with a grid. 

  • You apply them using your existing production process (or send them to your equipment/machinery manufacturer if you are purchasing new equipment to apply the sleeves).

  • You return them to us so that we can determine the shrink percentage needed for each part of your container.

  • We adjust your artwork according to the grid results.

Grayscale printing:

  • If you want a physical proof printed with your actual artwork, we offer grayscale printing so that you can test the placement and shrink distortion of your artwork without incurring the cost of full-color printing.